9 Things You Need to Know To Paint/Write for the First Time.
Its about consistency not creativity.
After two years of trying to learn to paint watercolour, this same process helped me to start writing on Medium.
1st, tell yourself, → “I CAN DO IT! Easy Peasy.” ( Tip: Drop words like ‘Cannot’, ‘Too Difficult’, ‘Too Hard’ from your vocabulary, meaningless words when trying out new skills)
2nd, Ignore your inner critique, instead tell yourself, →” Screw it, its art, and it’s my interpretation.”
— same goes with writing, it’s your voice. Own it. Love it.
3rd, You don’t need fancy paints or brushes. Professional artists use all sorts of mediums they can find around their homes. So feel liberated to use your fingers and leftover coffee. :)
— write anything you wish. Don’t be burden by big topics or trends yet. You are exploring, anyway.
4th, Feel free to use inspiration from the internet. There are loads of free resources. Don’t be shy to pick bits and pieces from here and there.
— Reading helps a lot in writing. Truly…
5th, You don’t need the new white expansive paper; recycle your cartons from your delivery packages. It’s free.
— You dont need to be perfect in writing too. Just use Grammarly, it’s free. It helps, especially for people like me. :)
6th, If you don’t know how to start, cover your desk with papers and splash away. Mix a bunch of colors. Drip on your art block OR use a giant paintbrush and just run it up and down/left to right. OR use a pencil and scratch out something. Remember, it’s your interpretation of modern contemporary art
— Write as many drafts as you wish and then close your eye, hit send! :) or pick one that you are most comfortable.
7th, Do the same thing again the next day.
8th, Do the same thing again the day after the next day.
9th, Have faith and do the same thing every day till you find your groove.
It will come, I promise. 😃
Just in case you might be wondering,
These 9 steps works for anything you wish to try for the first time too.
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