How my collection of conversations made me think about the “I”.
Daily musings during my MCO Days in Kuala Lumpur.
WE throw away shoes and wear slippers,
WE give away old clothes and wear old T-Shirts instead,
WE clean cupboards and buy new furniture,
WE mix flour with butter and make many cakes,
WE clear bookshelves and reread our favorite book,
WE open our old diary and remember the past,
WE scroll Facebook and buy more food online,
WE put on a mask and throw it as soon as we can,
WE watch the rain from afar and hope for the sun,
WE call our friends and still feel alone,
WE work at home and wish for more human connection.
Who am I again?
Could it be that silent unconscious ‘EGO’ ??
Inspired by ‘A New Earth” Awakening to You Life’s Purpose — Eckhart Tolle.