My curiosity with life under Movement Control Order in Malaysia.

Ching Ching
6 min readApr 9, 2020


A simple survey to check in with friends

To all my friends who have indulged me with my usual exploration of life.

This story is for you.

I recently sent a short survey to a few close friends.

This survey has 22 questions and requires simple Yes/No to complete it.

I sent it to around 50 friends, and received over 40+ completed responses, all within 10 minutes of sending!

My friends are so efficient.

Before I start to share the findings, let me give you some context.

MCO (Movement Control Order) started in Malaysia on 18 March 2020, to manage the COVID 19 pandemic. Since then, most of us have been staying at home.

Last Sunday afternoon, I received 3 text messages from 3 different insurance agents.

Quite strange to me, since I have not heard from them in the last 20 years.

The texts came with a couple of smileys wrapped around the following message;

“How are you and your family doing? I hope you are all coping well during this MCO.”

Photo by Lucy M on Unsplash

I felt surprised but thankful to them for check in with me.

I could only respond with…. “You too.”

Yes, those 3 text messages got me inspired!

I started to imagine what I would ask my friends if we get a chance to meet up after MCO.

My thoughts wandered around these 4 things;

1. I am curious to know if they have discovered something new in the last 20 days.

2. I am curious to know if they were thinking of their past or future.

3. I am curious to know if they are dealing with some personal matters.

4. I am curious to know if they have reached out to other people-including the great Divine.

I thought about how I would phrase my questions without being too intrusive or boring.

Plus I sincerely wanted to know if they are doing okay.

So, I came up with some daily common activities. At least I thought they were common.

And imagine asking the questions as if my friends were sitting in front of me having coffee as we reminisce our MCO experience.

Photo by Nani Williams on Unsplash

A special note to all my survey expert & psychology expert friends, Thank you for responding and putting up with my naive questions. Indeed, these questions are simply random and they have no direct correlation to anything.

Here is my summary of the survey.

The majority of the group have reached out more to check in with family and friends — 88% to be precise.

I like how confident the remaining 12% are, in managing their personal and social networks.

In addition, it’s good to know 60% have donated money to organizations including Wikipedia! An interesting confession from 1 retired friend.


Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

72% have a plan after MCO, which is promising.

I hope one of the action items, is to do something with their hair because 56% of them, will look like a shaggy animal and still think they don’t need a haircut. (Unless of course, they are bald or ‘pakai tudung’)

Photo by Livin4wheel on Unsplash

Some 69% have a routine to follow during the last 20 days.

Thank goodness to all those sneaky outsourcing of homework to parents and to bosses who have been sending endless emails, including a weekly scavenger hunt. Yes, I was told it is an employee engagement initiative.

Photo by Kurt Cotoaga on Unsplash

60% have clean or declutter their homes.

For the rest of the 40%, I do salute them.

They are strong enough, not to fall for all that ‘Marie Kondo’ stuff about hugging things to see if they give joy.

Photo by Will Malott on Unsplash

When it comes to food, not surprising for Malaysian, half(50%) have screwed ‘delay gratification’ and ordered their favorite food online.

They are heroes in supporting our SMEs.

Most of have discovered cooking as a new skill. I have been busy wiping off the drool on my phone when I get a text message of their evidence but at least my phone gets sanitized more frequently.

Photo by James Sutton on Unsplash

Happy to see as well, half (50%) have spent time gazing out of their windows thinking about life. Me too!

I suspect it’s because they live in a high rise condo? Or they are a daydreamers like me. In any case, these folks are so cool.

Photo by FLOUFFY on Unsplash

Interesting fact- 47% have skipped exercise. This is the same percentage for daydreaming about holidays.

Maybe holiday day dreaming is the new form of exercise.

But good on them. They now have an excuse not to feel guilty because 47% are doing the same.

Photo by Kristina Tripkovic on Unsplash

Almost everyone (except for 2 friends) have discovered something new or a hobby in the last 20 days.

Many has discovered cooking or a new genre of music — some discovered playing online games.

For my 2 friends— a hobby kit is on the way to your house.

Photo by Thomas Kinto on Unsplash

38% are probably guessing what day and date are today.

Predominately with my retiree and freelancers friends. Yours truly included. Days are starting to blur into each other. I blame the routine. It doesn't help.

Almost the same percentage (34%) are browsing the internet with no purpose too.

Maybe it has something to do with daydreaming. Otherwise, I blame the routine. It makes people blur.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Only 1 person kept a journal. She is so unique already.

Only 44% read a book.

Looks like paper-based stuff is not popular, which is going to be tough for the book publishing world. Most are reading social content online.

22% spend more time in their shower!

What the heck is going on in there??? Do tell…

A quarter(25%) had a medical encounter.

I hope things were just a false fright or have resolved. Otherwise, reach out maybe we can help. For those who tested negative, thank you for breaking the chain.

44% are thinking about job security.

This includes business owners, freelancers, and employed friends. A reality of today, unfortunately.

Half(50%) are worried about driving out now.

A fear which might continue after MCO. Will this be the new norm? How do we help those who are fearful?

Photo by Ann on Unsplash

I am grateful to have received the responses.

I learned a lot more about how my friends are coping.

If you are reading this, I hope you found comfort here too knowing that others are doing almost the same thing as you, especially in binge eating and skipping exercise. No big deal.

In some ways, we are connected and have managed the situation well. Hang in there. 3 more weeks of window gazing and long showers.

Until then, stay safe.



Ching Ching
Ching Ching

Written by Ching Ching

I am a Malaysian discovering ways to write about my life and my encounters with people. Nature is my inspiration.

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